Getting called a bitch means I am doing something right

Feminism has been associated with being angry, ugly and a man hater.

Luckily we can now laugh at that outdated misunderstanding and enjoy the new wave of feminism because they get the message across with the most wonderful uplifting humor.

The video made by a group of Columbia Business School student’s ‘Bitch in Business’[1] is not only very funny but pinpoint the ridicule that we still do not have equal gender opportunities and pay in the workplace.

The video is – unfortunately – reflecting a sad truth revealed in a study[2] by Kiera Snyder published in August 2014. Her study is of reviews in the workplace and she found that high-achieving men and women are described differently – both from male and female bosses.

When breaking the reviews down by gender of the person evaluated, 58.9% of the reviews received by men contained critical feedback. 87.9% of the reviews received by women did. Negative personality criticism like: Watch your tone! Step back! Stop being so judgmental! – shows up 2 times in the 83 critical reviews received by men. Shockingly it shows up in 71 of the 94 critical reviews received by women!

No wonder women struggle with finding the balance: Messages like: ‘Speak up’ and  ‘Grow some ….’ are totally contradicting that women on the other hand are told to ‘Step back’ and ‘Watch your tone’.

Both men and women have to get used to women speaking their mind and taking charge. We have to look at our bias against strong women.  Not the quiet, strong woman who is widely praised and we all admire but our bias against women who take the lead, opinionated women, women who want power.

If you want to learn to speak up and take the lead, not feeling like a bitch you can learn from the online course ‘Patience is not a strategy’.

Enjoy this video and enjoy being a bitch in business.

