Unbiased – a daily work in progress
Help others succeed and at the same time help yourself from feeling underappreciated!
Instead of beating yourself up for feeling resentment towards the person you are helping, you can turn this around by being clear from the beginning on what your giving is worth to you and what you expect to receive back. Learn how!!
Getting called a bitch means I am doing something right
No wonder women struggle with finding the balance: Messages like: ‘Speak up’ and ‘Grow some ….’ are totally contradicting that women on the other hand are told to ‘Step back’ and ‘Watch your tone’.
A study by Kiera Snyder of reviews in the workplace found that high-achieving men and women are described differently – both from male and female bosses.Negative personality criticism like: Watch your tone! Step back! Stop being so judgmental! - shows up 2 times in the 83 critical reviews received by men. Shockingly it shows up in 71 of the 94 critical reviews received by women!
Both men and women have to get used to women speaking their mind and taking charge.
It is a no-brainer: companies should invest in empowering women!
Assertiveness, speaking up and getting the message across is a leadership skill. In most companies, women and men must master this to advance their careers. If companies want more women in leadership positions, they need to make sure that women master the skills of being assertive and speaking up. It is not a nice to have, but a need to have.
Myths vs. Facts. Can bragging crack the code? Or at least help crack some of it…
It is about time we stop talking about women's lack of confidence and start tapping into the real issues. Putting yourself forward is a skill that can be learned. If women think they first have to get more confident and before they can put themselves forward, it is a long journey.
Prioritize Yourself and Others Will, Too!
While men seldom skip important coaching sessions or network meetings, women often call, or send a last minute rushed e-mail, to explain why they must reschedule to take care of something 'more important."
These women might as well say: "The reason I am canceling our appointment is that I do not find my personal development important. I am prioritizing others!"